8 Weeks of facing fears and being cut down to the roots. In those same 8 weeks building a business from scratch to selling.
@dr_courses Brian Rose – London Real Business Accelerator
After finding out about London Real through Ido Portal and the movie made by Brian “MOVE” I started watching some interviews and ended up getting information about the BUSINESS ACCELERATOR. I was intrigued and at the same time adamant that this wasn’t for me. I pushed the excuse forward that I didn’t want to do anything online and that I was only interested in live contact with people. Nearly a year went by of me clicking all mails from Brian into the “trash”. Once I made an effort to listen to part of a free webinar. I even once wrote a personal answer back to one of the autoresponder mails and even got a personal message back from Brian. Somehow this man and his personal endeavors to reach out and empower people gave me no rest.
Sitting in the kitchen one evening doing my office work I noticed he was going live with a question and answer call. I kind of snuck in and within 15 minutes he was calling me on the hot seat to ask my question… he spent about 10 minutes coaching me and then I listened as he did the same with some others. I cannot put my finger on it but a decision rose up from within and I pulled the trigger right after that call. Credit card out and Baam!!!
I literally gave myself the thrill of a lifetime and I have never looked back.
It has done everything from moving me to tears, making my heart jump with joy, made me look into the face of my fears and motivated me beyond my expectations.
I want to mention something very important. Brian spoke to me personally by name despite the fact that he now deals with thousands of customers. The personal contact from Brian and all his team did not slack or was lacking for the whole 8 weeks. I was deeply touched by this as after my fear of doing something “online” it has ended up being such a deep personal journey because of the personal contact that I had with the team and my classmates.
I have lost a lot of my “fear of man” and what others may think. I have gained a lot of respect for my own talents and passions which was lacking before. I have been given a new perspective of who I am and what I am capable of creating. I know I can motivate and empower others to a whole new level now because of this shift in mindset. I am able to shut those lies up from the monkey brain and follow true affirmations about my destiny. I can meet my fears on a daily basis and not be thrown off track.
Many things that had stagnated or where I had resigned (like the whole media thing) have been given a new start.
The London Real Business Accelerator under the direction of the amazing Brian Rose is like a gardener who prunes a tree that has stagnated growth. A tree that is wasting energy growing in the wrong direction, with the wrong soil maybe, not all the nutrients it needs, year for year without fruit and the roots searching aimlessly for something to hold onto.
It was painful for parts to be cut but oh so wonderful to feel new growth ready to burst. It was embarrassing to arrive on the course “thirsty and dried out” but overwhelming to drink at last something that satisfied and quenched that thirst so I could grow. It was scary to not know what comes next and be told to trust the process but fantastically amazing to see how this trust was rewarded with step after step of creation happening inside and around me. Fruit starts to finally grow again. Its not just about business. It is about the fundamentals of why you are here on this planet to give and receive love and value. It is not about waiting for “things to happen” it is about going out there and “happening to things”.
Brian Rose has created an amazing infrastructure to help every participant get the most out of the business accelerator through providing passionate team leaders, enabling smaller group meetings and coaching calls and accountability on all levels. In eight weeks I was able to start a new business idea from scratch and sell my first products before the course ended. Brian Rose and all of his team are amazing inspiring examples in evyrthing they teach. This is NOT just hot air. I am a member of this family for life. THANKYOU BRIAN ROSE. I want more!
All fear and obstacles have now become a productive part of my life. I am not a slave to fear.
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