This is where the massive traffic is:
Traffic Source 1: Google (Search & Display)
Google is the undisputed heavyweight champion of traffic. According to, Google is the #1 most trafficked website in the world, followed by Youtube (owned by Google) and Facebook.
Google reaches a staggering 98% of the internet. Google Display Network (GDN) is the largest media buy network in the world by a wide margin. Text ads, video ads, mobile ads, banner ads – all can be created on Google in a matter of minutes.
My clients and I spend upwards of $75k/day on Google to promote CPA offers. It’s a huge source of traffic and at my event in October you’ll learn:
How to quickly ramp PPC campaigns from 3 figures to 5 figures per day
The secret to finding keywords with huge amounts of traffic that convert like crazy
How to triple the traffic of any profitable campaign instantly. No one is teaching this method!
How to easily get new Google accounts even if you’ve been banned 331 times like me.
How to write PPC ads that get high CTR and high conversion rates.
How to get dirt cheap traffic on the Google search (not display) network
Secrets to testing and tracking like a pro
Bidding strategies – how to get the best possible ad placements for the cheapest possible cost per click
What it really takes to build a $100k/day Google search campaign (hint: it’s not what you think)
Traffic Source 2: Social Media
Since overtaking porn in 2012, social media is the #1 online activity. No matter how you feel about it, you can’t deny that it has become a big part of our culture. Most people check at least one social media platform at least once a day.
Many people spend hours a day on it. All these eyeballs on phones present an unprecedented advertising opportunity. Not only is there massive amounts of traffic available, it can be targeted down to the smallest of demographics.
The 800 lb gorilla of social media advertising is Facebook. Facebook is an absolute gold mine for affiliates and advertisers. At the event you will be around entrepreneurs like myself and some of the speakers that spend $50k – $100k+ on Facebook.
There are a lot of so-called Facebook ad “experts” out there, but show me some that are doing that kind of volume. Your favorite Facebook expert’s favorite Facebook experts will be at Affiliate Millionaires.
Facebook definitely leads the pack with its 2 billion+ users, but at Affiliate Millionaires you’ll learn about other social media platforms that we have been crushing with.
The social media platform that converts better than Facebook that no one is talking about.
A new way to laser target your Facebook audience to explode your ROI. No one is teaching this.
How to get unlimited $.05 – $.10 clicks on Facebook to skyrocket your ROI
The New Facebook ad option that is absolutely crushing it that no one is talking about.
How to promote affiliate offers without getting banned.
The secret to scaling your Facebook campaigns the gurus are afraid to teach.
How to get optins on Facebook for less than $.15!
How to get so much engagement with your ads that they go viral and get tons of free traffic.
Secrets to creating mobile social ads that convert better than desktop ads
And much more
Traffic Source 3: Email
Email is the #1 volume traffic source for CPA offers today, by a wide margin. Mastering email marketing is a big key to long term affiliate marketing profits.
How to get into mass email marketing the easy way.
How to start mailing immediately without worrying about warming up IP’s and everything that goes into traditional email.
The right way to buy data
How to build massive lists – FAST – that you can monetize for years
How to setup your pathways to sky-rocket opt-ins and increase conversions
Unique methods to monetize your list that you never knew existed
Conversion – Products and Offers
The next part of our Traffic + Conversion= Cash is CONVERSION. In our world conversion means having something to sell or promote that “converts” the traffic into money. This means offers. Products. Stuff to sell.
With CPA networks, you literally have thousands of offers at your fingertips. However, many smart affiliates realize that they can make a lot more money if they became the advertiser, or product owner. And one of the smartest will be teaching you at Affiliate Millionaires 3.0.
Special Session – Becoming The Advertiser (Product Owner)
The CPA industry consists of the affiliates, advertisers (the merchants or offer owner), and the CPA Networks that connect the two. Of those 3 entities, the one that makes the most money by far is the advertiser.
Over the past year especially, more and more affiliates are becoming the advertiser, and driving traffic to their own offers. At Affiliate Millionaires we will be having a special session on becoming the advertiser.
How to get, and keep your MIDS (merchant accounts)
Credit card processing – the easy way
How to find the best suppliers, and what to avoid.
How to handle fulfillment without having a warehouse full of product
How to build an internal traffic team so you don’t need to rely on CPA networks and affiliates
When you leave you will have the knowledge you need to create and run your own offer.
Special Session – Ecommerce on Steroids
Ecommerce is all the rage now, and for good reason. There are lots of cute little $50k – 100k/mo stores out there, but when you combine in demand products with massive traffic you get $1M+/mo results like Affiliate Millionaires 3.0 speaker Jose Rivera.
Jose was making trips to China and doing ecommerce long before it was popular. If you want to learn how to profit with ecommerce in a huge way, come and here Jose speak at Affiliate Millionaires 3.0.
Special Friday Session – Black Hat Night
I have a reputation for dabbling in Black Hat strategies from time to time. Now when I say Black Hat I don’t mean fraud, or anything illegal. I mean breaking the internet rules a little bit, the rules set by companies like Google and Facebook not the government.
I can’t say a lot about it in this public letter, but let’s just say we have some brand new Black Hat techniques that are making us a fortune. We’ll be sharing these and other Black Hat strategies in a special Friday night session.
In addition to all the excellent content, we are going to have fun. If you know anything about me you know I like to party, so you’re going to have a blast.
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