What if you could take your website or sales page…
From meh to money?
From bye-bye to must-buy?
From so-so to SOLD!
… All with just a few powerful word tweaks
that take you under an hour?
@dr_courses Laura Belgray – 60-Minute Makeovers Copywriting Mini-
Here’s the Mini-Course…
…That’ll get you thinking like a swift, brilliant copywriter.
(Just by soaking up the glory of visual before-and-after copywriting examples!)
In this easy-to-digest reader…
You’ll get to see small, but crucial, nips and tucks
that make all the difference.
Swap a word here, delete a word there.
Suck the fat out of this part, plump up that part.
What to write, what not to write.
On your homepage, your Services page, your header and tagline, your emails to leads, your About page, even a physical mailer.
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